The Visitor

August 30, 2022 | Download this Issue


This Sunday we will have one service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary where we will welcome the Reverend Dr. Richard Dunn! Richard is a graduate of Baylor University, and received both a master’s and doctorate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served 9 churches in Texas and Oklahoma, most recently retiring in January from the pulpit of First Christian Church in Pond Creek after 9 and 1/2 years. He has served as chaplain at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center for the last 12 years. He and his wife Judy have just celebrated their 9th anniversary, they have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Following the service there will be a congregational meeting regarding the prospective interim minister. I realize this is a holiday weekend, but we want to keep things moving along! Please be present if at all possible! -Martha O’Banion


Please lift in prayer:

Jim Owens, Mike Wager, Joe Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Forrest Ridgeway, Presley Kate Burchel, Phil Steinert, Kathy Stocksten, Bill Buvinger, Jason Miller and his extended family, Chris Arnold, Josephine Shellady (on living hospice), Brett Perry (hemorrhagic stroke, friend of Rhonda Robinett), the Ukrainian people.

To our landscaping professionals for keeping us looking good! Ken Hambrick, Darrell Herndon, Karen Foster, and Rhonda Robinette. Thank you to all our Worship and Wonder teachers! You are amazing! Thank you to all our musicians for the beautiful music and especially Randy and Marsha for their special talents! Thanks to Valerie Driscoll for providing our devotional during the 11:15 service. If you have a special thank you for someone, please let Kandy know so we can publicly let them know how much they are appreciated!

Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer.  Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5

Dollars for Mission Sept. 4 is for HERO Support & VAFB Student Pilots


The Visitor


The Visitor