The Visitor
June 15, 2022 | Download this Issue
As we move into the middle of June, my last Sunday, July 24th is racing towards us. But we know God is not done with Central Christian Church! The Prophet Isaiah writes in 43:19-21 that God is doing a new thing! Just as last weeks scripture reminds us that God, through the Holy Spirit, is still teaching, speaking, and guiding us. The work of Central will continue, God will bring a new settled pastor to Central and continue the good work we have done over the past few years.
I would ask you to be praying for the leadership team, to pray for the search committee and to be praying for the new pastor. There is no way to know yet who the search committee will recommend, but our faith tells us that God already knows who it will be, so praying for that person is important.
We have a lot of ministry left to do! If you would like to help with VBS please contact Allison Seigars! We need lots of help for our four church VBS!
Have a great week, please be careful of the heat!
Notice: If you schedule a meeting, or any type of function, please let Kandy know (at 233-1214 or receptionist@centralenid,org) so she can put it on the calendar and a room can be ready for you!
Please lift in prayer:
Please lift in prayer: Penny Bishop, Jim Owens, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe & Heidi Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Todd Gibson (Delaney’s fiancée), Allie Wade, Forrest Ridgeway, Martina Hayley (sister of Sandra Justice), Presley Kate Burchel, Roger Groves, Bill Masters, Carrie (Pat and Gail’s daughter) Phil Steinert, Fig Newton (Leukemia), Harper (David’s daughter), and the Ukrainian people.
Central Christian Church, Thank you all so much for all you do. They won’t let me be alone—So my grandson is here with me now. God Bless you all. Dorothy Gregory
Time to clean out the closet….A Message from Harry Hammonds
Hello my friends,
As many of you know I usually go to Jamaica for a mission trip every year. We have not been to Jamaica for three years. The group that we help is in dire need of supplies since no groups have been there for two years. Their needs are paper goods, like paper plates, paper towels, napkins and toilet paper. Other items are peanut butter and jelly in plastic jars. They need items for VBS, like, construction paper, crayons, glue sticks, stickers, etc. The could use some folding chairs that would fit in luggage. We also need luggage to take these thing to Jamaica with and leave there. If you have some luggage you don’t need please donate them to this cause. The luggage will NOT be returning with us. We would like to have the larger pieces of luggage to haul our things. Also financial help is welcome.
Thanks for all of your support,
Harry Hammonds
Trip dates: July 9-16
Thank you for supporting our Region’s ministry to Caminante
COVID continues to devastate jobs in the tourist business in the seaside town of Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic where Caminante is located. Unemployment has increased and the children are suffering the consequences.
A mile from the beaches, you walk on unpaved roads. You see families living in two-room “shacks” made of corrugated tin and with dirt floors. To financially help support their families, children still drop out of school to try to shine shoes and sell trinkets to fewer tourists. After Haitian earthquakes, many Haitians came to Boca Chica. Because of racial prejudice, Haitian children are often denied education in public schools.
People often think that the only “way out” is baseball, drug trafficking or prostitution. But Caminante is changing this. Caminante provides education for children, so they can work to support their family. It provides vocational education that leads to good paying jobs.
COVID and inflation has made the work of Caminante more difficult, more expensive and more urgent. Caminante now also provides food, medical and personal hygiene supplies. The work of Caminante reduces economic and racial prejudices directed at Haitian children and poor Dominican children.
The children served by Caminante would like to give you a hug and say, “Gracious
amigos. Your generosity gives me hope and changes lives.”
We plan to have a mission trip in 2023. However, your dollars are still supporting a wonderful cause.
Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer. Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5
Dollars for Mission June 19 is Caminante.
June Birthdays
Kaiser Sultan—June 8
T.J. Stanley—June 8
Linda Crabbs—June 16
Lavona Moseley—June 16
Don Angle Jr.—June 18
Jana Harvey Newton—June 20
Janet Lohmeyer—June 20
Carolyn McLemore—June 20
Suzanne Klemme—June 21
Chuck Lipps—June 24
Glennis Holler—June 25
Andrew Braud—June 26
Lisa Bloom—June 28
Bruce Huey—June 28
Lois Tilley —June 28
Casey Archambo—June 28