The Visitor

June 8, 2022 | Download this Issue


Summer Worship Schedule

This summer, the worship committee has decided to switch things up! We have three services each Sunday Morning for the summer. We will continue to do our 8 AM service, the 9 AM Sunday School hour, and our 10:15 AM service will move to 10 AM. We added an 11:15 AM modern worship service. This service is called Coffee and Worship; it looks and feels different than our traditional worship. Our first week went very well, and we are excited to see how God will use this new worship     opportunity at Central.

The Prophet Isaiah, in chapter 43, verse 19, says, “Behold, I am doing  a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” This promise from God was to the people of Israel that God would always be with them, protect them and grow them! This promise holds for us today! Even as things change, we know God is with us and will always seek our good!  Thanks be to God for everything God does.  


Blessings, Tom


Notice:  If you schedule a meeting, or any type of function, please let Kandy know (at 233-1214 or receptionist@centralenid,org) so she can put it on the calendar and a room can be ready for you!

Please lift in prayer:

Please lift in prayer: Penny Bishop, Jim Owens, family of Rex Lukenbaugh, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe & Heidi Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter), Tim     Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin),  Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Todd Gibson (Delaney’s  fiancée), Allie Wade, Forrest Ridgeway, Martina Hayley (sister of Sandra Justice), Presley Kate Burchel, Roger Groves, Bill Masters, Carrie (Pat and Gail’s daughter) Phil Steinert and the Ukrainian people.

Board Meeting Notice

Wednesday, June 15 is Board Meeting at 6 pm.  Reports will be due by June 8 to Kandy so she can compile them into the board packet for publication on June 9.  Your attendance as Elders, Elder Emeritus, Department/Committee Chairs and constituent group leaders is important.


Time to clean out the closet….A Message from Harry Hammonds


Hello my friends,

As many of you know I usually go to Jamaica for a mission trip every year. We have not been to Jamaica for three years. The group that we help is in dire need of supplies since no groups have been there for two years. Their needs are paper goods, like paper plates, paper towels, napkins and toilet paper. Other items are peanut butter and jelly in plastic jars. They need items for VBS, like, construction paper, crayons, glue sticks, stickers, etc. The could use some folding chairs that would fit in luggage. We also need luggage to take these thing to Jamaica with and leave there. If you have some luggage you don’t need please donate them to this cause. The luggage will NOT be returning with us. We would like to have the larger pieces of luggage to haul our things. Also financial help is welcome.

Thanks for all of your support,

Harry Hammonds

Trip dates: July 9-16

Art projects and snacks after miniature golf for the children.

JCYF Miniature Golf

Army Veteran Sam Justice was presented the Quilt of Valor. He is surrounded by his family, Sandra and Aria and extended family.



Central Christian Church:  Twice I’ve been blessed through the kind      ministry of the Christian Women’s Fellowship.  After the funerals of both Jim & Paula Stroup, Meals were lovingly provided and served by this   compassionate group.  My family and I are grateful for your generosity  and service.  May God continue to bless all of you, and use your efforts to  minster His heart to others.       

With gratitude, Nancy Atchley Lamons



Memorials have been established for:  Rex Lukenbaugh, Jack Weston and Paula Stroup.


Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer.  Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5

Dollars for Mission June 12 is Welcome Table.

June Birthdays

Kaiser Sultan—June 8                                    

T.J. Stanley—June 8                                     

Linda Crabbs—June 16                                    

Lavona Moseley—June 16                                 

Don Angle Jr.—June 18

Jana Harvey Newton—June 20

Janet Lohmeyer—June 20  

Carolyn McLemore—June 20 

Suzanne Klemme—June 21 

Chuck Lipps—June 24     

Glennis Holler—June 25

Andrew Braud—June 26

Lisa Bloom—June 28

Bruce Huey—June 28

Lois Tilley —June 28

Casey Archambo—June 28


The Visitor


The Visitor