The Visitor
May 31, 2022 | Download this Issue
Dear Church family:
A year ago, it was suggested to me, that I needed to be a Regional Minister. I laughed and said that would never happen! Over the next ten days, five other ministers told me this exact thing. God was speaking, and I needed to listen. So, I began to pray and seek God about the future.
Over the last year, I explored the possibility of growing my ministry to include more regional or general church responsibilities. I had planned to be the General Board Representative of the Christian Church in Oklahoma for the next two years. This experience would continue to grow and expand my ministry.
However, God had other plans. While I continued to plan out what I believed the future to be, God opened a door and invited me to walk through. On the 24th of May, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kansas voted to call me as their new Co-Regional Minister and President.
With both excitement and a heavy heart, I must inform you, as Moderator of Central Christian Church, that I will be resigning my position as Senior Minister of Central. My last Sunday will be the 24th of July. My plan is to be on vacation from the 25th of July through August 15th, as I attempt to use my vacation days.
I am very grateful for my time at Central; I will continue to pray for God’s grace and leadership for Central. We have done fantastic work over our time together, and I know God will continue to grow the ministry of this church.
Blessings, Tom
Please lift in prayer:
Please lift in prayer: Penny Bishop, Jim Owens, family of Rex Lukenbaugh, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Todd Gibson (Delaney’s fiancée), Allie Wade, Forrest Ridgeway, Martina Hayley (sister of Sandra Justice), Presley Kate Burchel, Jace & Scout Bowles, Kandy Trojan, Roger Groves, Bill Masters, Carrie (Pat and Gail’s daughter) and the Ukrainian people.
Board Meeting Notice
Wednesday, June 15 is Board Meeting at 6 pm. Reports will be due by June 8 to Kandy so she can compile them into the board packet for publication on June 9. Your attendance as Elders, Elder Emeritus, Department/Committee Chairs and constituent group leaders is important.
Þ Central Christian Church is hosting Enid Welcome Table this Sunday, June 5. Volunteers needed, please sign up with Mickie or Paul.
Þ Our children will be meeting at 2:30 on June 5th to play miniature golf. Please meet on the west side, by the bus. There will be a short parent meeting at 4:00, upon return.
Þ Services for Rex Lukenbaugh are pending an announcement will be made when more information is known.
Time to clean out the closet….A Message from Harry Hammonds
Hello my friends,
As many of you know I usually go to Jamaica for a mission trip every year. We have not been to Jamaica for three years. The group that we help is in dire need of supplies since no groups have been there for two years. Their needs are paper goods, like paper plates, paper towels, napkins and toilet paper. Other items are peanut butter and jelly in plastic jars. They need items for VBS, like, construction paper, crayons, glue sticks, stickers, etc. The could use some folding chairs that would fit in luggage. We also need luggage to take these thing to Jamaica with and leave there. If you have some luggage you don’t need please donate them to this cause. The luggage will NOT be returning with us. We would like to have the larger pieces of luggage to haul our things. Also financial help is welcome.
Thanks for all of your support,
Harry Hammonds
Trip dates: July 9-16
From our family to all of you, thank you for the cards, texts, encouraging and kind words, calls, prayers, and love. They have been a source of hope, encouragement and comfort and a powerful reminder of God’s amazing grace, love and blessings.
We will be forever grateful. Brady and Rachel Baugh and Brian, Becky, and Meleah Meyer.
Ed Krause
Ed Krause was a member of Central Christian Church, he joined his life and ministry to Central on Feb. 9, 1975. Ed served the church in many ways. He served as a Deacon, property committee member, world outreach committee, Stewardship committee and as a greeter. But Ed’s greatest gift was a fixer, he could fix anything! And as I was talking to several members of the church, they remembered Ed volunteering to fix problems around the building. This is a profound blessing to the church and the people who worship at Central.
Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer. Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5
Dollars for Mission June 5 is Senior ministry.
May Birthdays
Paige Waldrip
May 3
Karsten Robinett
May 4
James “Brandon” Harvey
May 6
Judi Jorden
May 9
Mike O’Banion
May 14
Patrick Novak
May 13
Joe Glasgow
May 13
Sue Dell
May 18
Stephen Chambers
May 27
Dorothy Gregory
May 24
Harper Adele Braud
May 23
Heidi Glasgow
May 28
Trigg Snyder
May 31