Midweek Update
• 2025 - 66 pledges totaling $302,630
•2024 - 67 pledges totaling $295,720
• 2023 – 67 pledges totaling $268,168
An amazing response to God’s call! I would like to thank you for
your commitment to the missions and ministries of Central
Christian Church. God bless!
Thom Bushman
Stewardship Chai
Central will be hosting January 5th and 12th! Please join us as we serve our community!
Please make plans to attend this special board meeting! Discussion for the approval of the 2025 Budget, approval of the Nominating Committee recommendations
and language changes to the by-law meeting dates.
$$$$ Dollars for Mission supports Local, Regional, and even Global Ministries and Outreach. This Sunday, the loose dollars in the offering plates will go to support The Warmth Project. This ministry funds cold weather items for those in our community in need!
Paul Giberson, Myrtle Mae Atkinson, Trenton Walters (friend of Erin Davis), Shawn Bogue, son of Pamelia Lenker), Tom Stout, Leon Newman (father of Kim Patton), Scott Warfield, Carolyn Kurz, Terri Carpenter, Norman Lenker, Margaret Day, Janice Stout, Krista Braud, Virginia Matthews, Sandra Justice, Joan Keeling, Glennis Holler, Janet Cox, Dorothy Gregory, Worth and Dorothy Bracher, Thatcher Severin, Michael Clark, Jana Pendleton.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
8:00 am Rise Shine and Sing Service
Elder: Suzanne Klemme
Deacons: *Georgie Haltom, Darrell Herndon
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: TBD
Communion Elder: Laurie Bushman
Offering Elder: Thom Bushman
Deacons: *Jason Seigars, Allison Seigars, Melissa Hula, Elizabeth Maddux
Worship & Wonder: TBD
Wednesday, January 1
Office Closed - Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 5
8:00 am - Rise, Shine and Sing Chapel Service
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Service
11:30 am - Disciples Youth Group - Youth Rm., Basement
4:30 pm - Welcome Table - Central Christian Church (hosting)
Monday, January 6
10:00 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.
Tuesday, January 7
2:00 pm - Caregiver's Group
3:30 pm - CWF Executive Committee
Wednesday, January 8
12 Noon - CWF Ladies Luncheon - Fellowship Hall
7 pm - Choir