Midweek Update
Your gift to the Christmas Special Offering supports the work of Oklahoma regional ministries this Christmas. 100% of your giving goes to support the Christian Church in Oklahoma. Your regional ministry works to:
Connect congregations to each other
Foster faith development
Gather Disciples in camps, conferences, and assemblies
Nurture the development of a new generation of pastors
Assist churches in calling new ministers
Interpret the global mission of the Church
Represent the Church in ecumenical gatherings
Counsel and pray with those who are troubled of spirit
Lead the Church to address racism
Inspire leaders to experiment and create
Witness to the power of God to make things new
We encourage you to give generously as we collect the Christmas Offering on December 15th & 22nd.
Please be at this board meeting if at all possible! We need to have a quorum to vote on some agenda items! Thank you!
$$$$ Dollars for Mission supports Local, Regional, and even Global Ministries and Outreach. This Sunday, the loose dollars in the offering plates will go to support RSVP MOBILE MEALS. This ministry supports RSVP’s Enid Mobile Meals and is dedicated to providing seniors with hot, nutritious meals each weekday at noon.
Paul Giberson, Myrtle Mae Atkinson, Trenton Walters (friend of Erin Davis), Shawn Bogue, son of Pamelia Lenker), Tom Stout, Leon Newman (father of Kim Patton), Scott Warfield, Carolyn Kurz, Terri Carpenter, Norman Lenker, Margaret Day, Janice Stout, Krista Braud, Virginia Matthews, Sandra Justice, Joan Keeling, Glennis Holler, Jim & Janet Cox, Dorothy Gregory, Worth and Dorothy Bracher, Thatcher Severin, Michael Clark, Jana Pendleton.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
8:00 am Chapel Service
Elder: Suzanne Klemme
Deacons: *Janet Lohmeyer, Jay Lohmeyer
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Rick Hill
Communion Elder: Van Schuermann
Offering Elder: Natalie Schuermann
Deacons: *Mary Suzan Chambers, Melissa Hula, Jason Seigars, Allison Seigars
Worship & Wonder: Carol Ingram & Katelyn Maddox
Wednesday, December 18
6:15 pm - Chancel Bells
7:00 pm - Choir Practice
Sunday, December 22 (Fourth Sunday of Advent)
8:00 am - Chapel Service
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Service
4:30 pm - Welcome Table - Central Christian Church (hosting)
Monday, December 23
10:00 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.
Tuesday, December 24
Office Closed
7:00 pm - Christmas Eve Carols & Candlelight Service
Wednesday, December 25
Christmas Day - Office Closed
Have a blessed Christmas Day!