Midweek Update
Dollars for Mission supports Local, Regional, and even Global Ministries and Outreach. When one dollar bills (or contributions earmarked for Dollars for Missions projects) are placed in the offering plate, they go to support that week's chosen ministry.
This week's Dollars for Mission recipient is:
Loaves & Fishes
This Sunday, the loose dollars in the offering plates will go to support Loaves & Fishes. Loaves & Fishes of Northwest Oklahoma was established in 2012, in partnership with The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. They are a "Food and Resource Center" providing clients with grocery assistance and helpful information that can benefit those we serve. L&F provides a variety of fresh produce, dairy items, meat, bread and shelf-stable groceries in a client-choice setting. They aim to enrich the lives of families and individuals facing food insecurity in NW Oklahoma.
Kelsey Gilbert, Jason Miller, Margaret Day, Janice Stout, Shawn Bogue (son of Pam Lenker), Glenn Crabbs, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Corky Fowler, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
unday, September 15, 2024
8am Chapel Service
Elder: Gary Hula
Deacons: *Shirley West, Tom Ireland
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Suzanne Klemme
Communion Elder: Gail Novak
Offering Elder: Pat Novak
Deacons: *Bryan Russell, Aubrie Russell, Krista Braud, Andy Braud
Worship & Wonder: Brandon Harvey and James Harvey
Children's Time: Pastor Ronnie
Wednesday, September 11
7:00 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, September 12
4:30 pm - Bible Study - Freeman Home
6:30 pm - Fall Festival at the Robinett's - Bus leaves the church at 6:00 pm
Friday, September 13
7:05 pm - OKC Baseball Game - Bus leaves Church at 4:30 pm
Sunday, September 15
8:00 am - Chapel Service
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Service
11:30 am - Disciples Youth - Youth Rm., Basement
4:30 pm - Welcome Table - Hosted by First United Methodist Church
Monday, September 16
10:00 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.
Wednesday, September 18
5:30 pm - Cabinet Mtg. - Rm.109
7:00 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.