Midweek Update
We need volunteers to monitor the
loggia and the halls on
May 1, 2, & 3 for Tri-State.
Call the office
580-233-1214 to sign up!
Paul and Mickie Giberson represent CCC at the 2024 Regional Assembly
In the next two weeks, we will share some of the happenings at the 2024 Regional Assembly for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Paul and Mickie Giberson served as Central's voting delegates.
In recognition of her retirement, the region has created the Pamela & Randy Holt Endowment Fund. The earnings from this fund will go to Youth Camping Ministries. As of our regional meeting, the total was almost $10,000. This fund will be available to add to it at any time.
Please consider a gift in honor of Rev. Pam Holt.
Weather Transitions -
We are in the time of year when our
weather is hot one day and
cool the next! Please keep this
in mind when you are here! Bring a
sweater or jacket if you get cool or dress for warmer temps!
Please mark your calendars for oceans
of fun at VBS this summer!
July 22-26, from 5:00-7:30 pm
We hope to "sea" you there!
Serving In Worship
April 28
Fifth Sunday of Easter
8 am Chapel Service
Worship Leader & Elder: Mickie Giberson
Deacons: *Shirley West, Tom Ireland
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Thom Bushman
Communion Elder: Laurie Bushman
Offering Elder: Thom Bushman
Deacons: *Karen Moore, Sonya Waldrip, Aubrie Russell, Bryan Russell
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ...
Bob Greenhaw, Janice Stout (no visitors, please), Shawn Bogue (son of Pam Lenker), Myrla Powell, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Corky Fowler, Bill Masters, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Wednesday, April 24
7 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, April 25
4:30 pm - Bible Study (Freeman Home)
Sunday, April 28 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Music Sunday
8 am - Chapel Worship
9 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Worship
3pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - Graceway Baptist Church (hosting)
Monday, April 29
10:00 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.