Midweek Update
1 John 3:1-3
"Seeing Through God's Eyes"
Sunday, April 14 - 8am & 10:15am
Dan Harris
Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) extends Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Dan Harris who passed from this life to the next on Saturday, April 13, 2024. A memorial service will be held at Central Christian Church Sanctuary at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024.
The church is hosting a brief reception in the Fellowship Hall following the service. If you are able to assist with food or serving, please contact Mickie Giberson or sign up below.
Wed., April 17 5:30pm
Regular board meeting
Disciples Men's Breakfast
Saturday, April 20
8:30 am
Pheasant Run
Golf & Grill,
1702 Club House Drive
We need 3 Volunteers to monitor the
loggia and the halls on
May 1, 2, & 3 for Tri-State.
Call the office
580-233-1214 to sign up!
Have your kids signed up for church camp?
Call or email the church this week to let us know if you're planning to attend. The church's payment is due no later than April 24.
Weather Transitions -
We are in the time of year when our
weather is hot one day and
cool the next! Please keep this
in mind when you are here! Bring a
sweater or jacket if you get cool or dress for warmer temps!
Serving In Worship
April 21
Fourth Sunday of Easter
10:15am Sanctuary Service ONLY
with Rev. Randy Kuss, Interim Regional Minister
Worship Leader: Karen Foster
Communion Elder: Martha O'Banion
Offering Elder: Mickie Giberson
Deacons: *John or Carol Ingram, Mary Suzan Chambers, Elizabeth Maddux, Maxine Shepard
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ...
Family of Dan Harris, Shawn Bogue (son of Pam Lenker), Tammy Hromas, Myrla Powell, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Corky Fowler, Bill Masters, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Tuesday, April 16
6:30 pm - Agape Group - Member's Home
Wednesday, April 17
1 pm - Dan Harris Memorial, CCC Sanctuary
5:30 pm - Board Meeting
7 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, April 18
4:30 pm - Bible Study (Freeman Home)
Saturday, April 20
8:30 pm - Disciples Men's Breakfast - Pheasant Run Golf & Grill
Sunday, April 21 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
9 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Worship
2:30 pm - Disciples Youth, Youth Rm., Basement
3pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - First United Methodist Church (hosting)
Monday, April 22
10:30 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.