The Visitor
March 23, 2022 | Download this Issue
Open our ears, Lord!
God promises that God hears our prayers, that God actively listens to us! 1 Peter 3:12 says, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and the Lord’s ears are open to their prayers.” What a blessing this is to know, understand, and believe! But what about us, are we listening?
Often it feels like we are only half listening or even just hearing what we want to hear from God. This is one of the skills we could cultivate for Lent. Actively listening to God is a skill we need to practice. God reminds us of this in Psalm 46, “Be still and know I am God.”
Last Sunday, we spent some time remembering that we must rest in God, pause, and remember all that God has done for us. And this topic goes hand and hand with the sermon. Take a few moments this week, be still, and rest in God. Be still and know God.
“An important part of our mission is to be a good listener, opening our ears and hearts to hear and respond to the cries of people who are desperate for help or hope or healing. It begins with those in our family, church, and extends through our neighborhood and community to the ends of the earth.” (Excerpt from Drawn to the Cross, page 21.)
So, the question is, are you listening?
Blessings, Tom
Please lift in prayer:
Please lift in prayer: Curt Horrall, Teresa Taylor, Karen Bower, Margaret Merryman, Mike Wager (leukemia), Joe Glasgow, Bill Haley (Justice’s brother-in-law), Lonnie, (Lynn Bartel’s brother-cancer), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden-cancer), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter-cancer), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Carol Fenton (Krista B’s mom), Berniece Castle, Roger Groves (leukemia), Krista Taylor, Brandy Guyton, Josh Jorden (skiing accident), Shirley Salisbury (home), Scott West (Shirley’s son), Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s—cancer), Dan Harris, Todd Gibson (Delaney’s fiancée), Allie Wade (Brain cancer), the Shaffer family (accident), the Ukrainian people.
Dollars for Mission March 27 is the Welcome Table
Please join us at 4:30 PM each Sunday as we welcome our community to a wonderful meal and time of fellowship. If you would like to help prepare or serve, please meet at 3:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to set up, host, wait on tables, and clean up.
Attention Cookie Bakers!
Through the generosity of a local non-profit, we have a source for flour and sugar in bulk. If you would like to access this supply for cookie making (HERO projects, Welcome Table, etc.), please contact Mickie Giberson, at 580-977-9895. As soon as my containers arrive, I will be able to give out five pounds of flour and of sugar. Thanks to all the dedicated bakers in our church family.
Volunteers Needed:
1. Cookie Bakers—see Mickie.
2. People to help with the Easter Egg Hunt (Sat. April 16)—see Harry.
3. People to sign up for 1/2 hr. shifts for the Prayer Vigil on Fri. April 8 —see Valerie.
4. Persons to send out monthly birthday cards, starting with July—ask Kandy.
The Pastor’s Class will begin on March 13th and last until April 3rd. It will journey through many topics. The participants will engage in conversation about the Disciples of Christ denomination and explore meanings of Confession of Faith and identify their own beliefs about God, Jesus and the Church. Participants will also be completing a Spiritual Gifts Inventory to explore their gifts for ministry, engage in a guided conversation with a family member or mentor about their baptism and exploring ideas of covenant and community. We very much look forward to their baptisms on Easter. Sunday.
March Birthdays
Jim Freeman
Mar. 1
Scout Stanley
Mar. 4
Al Sexton
Mar. 5
Shirley West
Mar. 6
Jackie Batchelder
Mar. 9
Eileen Crites
Mar. 10
Mary Suzan Chambers
Mar. 13
Don Johnson
Mar. 13
Jason Stuever
Mar. 14
Bob Anderson
Mar. 17
Darrell Herndon
Mar. 18
Donald Wentworth
Mar. 18
Steven Bloom
Mar. 20
Janet Jones
Mar. 24
Eathan Scott Conrady
Mar. 26
Jim Shepard
Mar. 27
Keiyanna Sultan
Mar. 28
Jim Cox
Mar. 29
Jill Stuever
Mar. 30
Kaylina Sultan
Mar. 30