The Visitor
March 9, 2022 | Download this Issue
She said, what shall I do today, Lord
For your kingdom, so I won’t be bored
He said simply “touch one heart”
She pondered, I guess that’s a start
I’m really too busy with meetings and such
For an insignificant, simple touch
So many people hungry and blue
She sent her check, Lord this is for you
She led the prayer at the meeting today
She’s a good Christian in her own way
Home too late to kiss her children goodnight
She’s just too busy with her Christian plight
He said it again as she climbed into bed
“Touch one heart” was all I said
She quickly replied, “Your task is too small”
There’s so much to do, I’m doing it all
My gentle child, he said with a grin
My plan will work if tomorrow
You’ll just do your part
Take a moment . . . And Touch One Heart
Paul Giberson and Judi Jorden prepare pancakes for the meal before the Ash Wednesday service in the Chapel.
Upcoming Services:
Sunday, March 13
Rev. Tom Stanley
8:00 am Service in Chapel Worship/Offering Leader: 8 am-Fig Newton
9:00 am Sunday School Sandy Malget 10:15 am Service in Sanctuary
Worship/Offering Leader: 10 am—Peg Krick 10 am– Communion: Denny Krick
Worship & Wonder: Allison Seigars, Brooke Waldrip Deacons: 8 am-Darryl Herndon,
Linda Crabbs 10am-Jason & Allison Seigars, Judi Jorden, Sharon Irwin
Sunday, March 20
Rev. Tom Stanley
8:00 am Service in Chapel Worship/Offering Leader: 8 am-Phyllis Phillips
9:00 am Sunday School Laura Painter 10:15 am Service in Sanctuary
Worship/Offering Leader: 10 am—Brandon Harvey 10 am– Communion: Penny Bishop
Worship & Wonder: Jana Harvey & Judi Jorden Deacons: 8 am-Janet & Jay Lohmeyer 10am-Pat Owens, John Ingram, Sue Chael, J. Curtis Huckleberry
Sunday, March 27
Rev. Tom Stanley
8:00 am Service in Chapel Worship/Offering Leader: 8 am-Jim Freeman
9:00 am Sunday School Scout & Paige 10:15 am Service in Sanctuary
Worship/Offering Leader: 10 am– Martha O’Banion Communion: Karen Foster
Worship & Wonder: Brandon Harvey & Karen Foster Deacons: 8 am-Georgie Haltom,
Shirley West 10am-Shirley Salisbury, Judi Jorden, Mary Suzan Chambers, Melissa Hula
Please lift in prayer:
Curt Horrall, Teresa Taylor, Karen Bower, Margaret Merryman, Mike Wager (leukemia), Joe Glasgow, Bill Haley (Justice’s brother-in-law), Lonnie, (Lynn Bartel’s brother-cancer), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden-cancer), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter-cancer), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds—heart problem & leukemia), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Carol Fenton (Krista B’s mom-knee surgery), Sue Vandriver (Jason Miller’s sister), Beriece Castle (now at Greenbrier nursing Rm. #4), Roger Groves (leukemia), Krista Taylor, Brandy Guyton, Jim in OKC (friend of Judi Jorden—4 bypasses), Josh Jorden (skiing accident), Shirley Salisbury (home), Jackie Batchelder, Scott West (Shirley’s son), Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s—cancer), Sam Justice, Caden-(great nephew of Brian Meyer / born same day as McKinley / is doing OK),
family of McKinley Baugh (23 wk. old infant daughter of Rachel & Brady Baugh—daughter of Brian & Becky Meyer), family of Nancy Liemer (friend of Sandra Justice), family of Norma Coulter.
If you would like to send a card to Rachel & Brady Baugh (12803 Smith Street, Jones, OK 73049)
or for Brian & Becky Meyer (613 Aspen, Enid, OK 73703)
Dollars for Mission March 13 is HERO support (VAFB)
Your Dollars for Mission on March 13 support our community partnership with student pilots at Vance Air Force Base. The stress of pilot training is compounded by these pilots being away from home and COVID issues. There is a need to support and welcome young Air Force student pilots when they come to Vance Air Force Base for their initial pilot training. Knowing that people care for them and that people are grateful for their service to our country means a lot.
A community partner sponsors events for the student pilots about every four weeks: Central Christian Church, the Christian Church of the Covenant, and University Place Christian Church are working together as community partners. We will sponsor the following events.
Provide box lunches and gift cards from local restaurants.
Provide a picnic, swim party, or a pot luck dessert at a partner’s home
Provide cards of encouragement with bags of homemade cookies.
One of the student pilots in our partnership is from Puerto Rico She was quarantined because of exposure to COVID. We made her a care package with several meals, snacks, and cards of encouragement. Her response: “Your package means the world. This is too kind. Please give everyone my deepest thanks. I am beyond grateful. Everything looks absolutely amazing.” This student pilot will always remember that a church cared for her when she was quarantined.
In the past three months, we have received over twenty notes from student pilots thanking us for our support, encouragement, and our prayers.
Our churches are setting an example for VAFB student pilots. As they leave Enid, they will always remember, that during their stressful pilot training, local churches cared for them with special activities and prayers.
The Pastor’s Class will begin on March 13th and last until April 3rd. It will journey through many topics. The participants will engage in conversation about the Disciples of Christ denomination and explore meanings of Confession of Faith and identify their own beliefs about God, Jesus and the Church. Participants will also be completing a Spiritual Gifts Inventory to explore their gifts for ministry, engage in a guided conversation with a family member or mentor about their baptism and exploring ideas of covenant and community. We very much look forward to their baptisms on Easter. Sunday.
Opportunities for Service & Celebration
Sunday, March 20
8:00am—Chapel Service 9:00am—Sunday School
10:15am—Sanctuary Service
3:00pm—Pastor’s Class / Library
4:30pm—Enid Welcome Table
6:00pm—Taize Service (in Chapel)
Monday, March 21
10:30am—Staff Meeting
1:00pm—Valerie’s Bible Study via Zoom
6:00pm—Personnel Meeting
Tuesday, March 22
11:30am--12:30pm Tai Chi & Chair Yoga
5:00pm—Emmaus Women—Reunion Group
5:00pm—Enid Children’s Choir—End of Year Party
Wednesday, March 23
7:00pm—Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 24
11:30am—12:30pm Tai Chi & Chair Yoga
5:30pm—Jim Freeman’s Home Study Group
Thursday, March 10
12:30am--1:30pm Tai Chi & Chair Yoga
5:30 pm—Jim Freeman’s Home Study Group
Sunday, March 13—Spring Forward/time change
8:00 am—Chapel Service 9:00 am—Sunday School
10:15 am—Sanctuary Service
3:00pm—Pastor’s Class / Library
4:30 pm—Enid Welcome Table — Youth (cooking)
Monday, March 14—Spring Break (March 14-18)
10:30 am—Staff Meeting
1:00 pm—Valerie’s Bible Study via Zoom
Tuesday, March 15
5:00 pm—Emmaus Women—Reunion Group
Wednesday, March 16
6:00—-Cabinet Meeting
7:00 pm—Chancel Choir
Thursday, March 17
5:30 pm—Jim Freeman’s Home Study Group
Friday & Saturday, March 18 / 19
Tom out for Phillips Continuing Education
Saturday, March 19
10:00 am—Monthly Property Workday (10am-Noon)