The Visitor
Oct 5th, 2022 | Download this Issue
Liminal spaces, growing places
A baby is born. A loved one passes away. We move to a new city or even a new home. We may be excited, or filled with dread, even when the change is “good news.” Truth is, these things bring us into uncharted territory, which can be unsettling.
What exactly do we call these in-between times? We know we are on the verge of a new “something” – but we are not sure what that “something” is. The word I would choose is Liminal. Liminal means threshold. It’s an entry point into a new space, new ground.
Liminal spaces in our personal lives and in the shared life of church have great potential, contain an element of risk, and always the prospect of change. Truth be told, we are almost always in some sort of liminal space in our lives.
Central Christian has been in a liminal space since your last minister announced he would answer a new call to ministry. You crossed another threshold when you called me to journey with you for a time as your transitional minister. As we explore ways to more faithfully be church, we will continue to cross new thresholds.
So what does God call us to do in these liminal times, in these uncertain places? Here are some ways you can learn to thrive during change (these hold true in personal and church life!):
1. Survey the new landscape and look for signposts ahead. Pray. God still speaks!
2. Recognize that times like these are also sacred space. When God knocks us off center (or we knock ourselves off center), strive for fruitful and holy experiences. Embrace them.
3. Channel your energy to be creative in thought, especially! Artists and people of vision often do their best work when things are off-center or new.
4. Look for God, look for good, look for growth.
5. Even if life feels like a roller coaster, try to open your eyes. Take a peek. Allow yourself to be a bit queasy and a bit hesitant, if that’s what you feel, but push past it and embrace the exhilaration and joy, as well.
I see many thresholds ahead for all of us. May God grant us the courage to approach them with all the wonder, awe, and anticipation that we can muster.
In Christ,
Rev. Susan Payne
Randy and Marsha in competition with Rick’s Pharmacy Bean bag toss.
CCC Workday—September 24
“I’m home! Thanks for all the cards and prayers. I’ve learned how much cards mean to anyone in the hospital or rehab that can’t have visitors. It is such a blessing. Thank you so much.” Joan Keeling
Reminder: Tai Chi & Chair Yoga have moved to the Multipurpose Room and will meet there on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 11:30am.
Attention: Beach Umbrellas were borrowed for Bible School. They were left here, so we need to find the owners.
CACS is doing Loaves and Fishes again this year, starting October 1. Please bring items associated with pasta. They are also collecting chunky soup. Please bring all items and put them on the shelves in the Loggia. Thanks very much!
Please make plans to stop by the office and bid Kandy Trojan a Happy Retirement! Come and go reception on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 1 to 3 pm. If you would like to give her a card or gift prior, please leave it with Melissa in the office.
The Altar table was decorated by Rev. Susan Payne, for World Communion Sunday.
Please lift in prayer: Joe Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Beriece Castle, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russells), for the family of Forrest Ridgeway, Phil
Steinert, Kathy Stocksten, Bill Buvinger, Josephine Shellady (on living hospice), Virginia Matthews(having seizures). Katherine McLemore’s Husband Ricky (has stage 4 lymphoma, taking chemo), Shirley Tapp, those impacted by Hurricane Ian, the Ukrainian people.