The Visitor
Oct 12th, 2022 | Download this Issue
What I love about church
There’s an old joke makes me smile in self-recognition: A woman is trying to convince her husband to get up to go to church. The man gives reason after reason to stay home in bed.
Finally, exasperated, the wife says, “But you have to go to church. You’re the minister!”
Church can be a love/hate relationship, but here are four reasons I can’t live without church.
1. Church is my community. It’s where I worship, it’s where I talk with others about Jesus and God and how I should live my life. Yet church is not always a place where we join hands and sing “Kumbaya.” We don’t always agree on some of the finer points (or some larger ones!), and that can lead to conflict. Which brings me to the 2nd thing I love about church.
2. Church is made up of people. Church people usually are great people! But we are people. That’s the problem. We make mistakes, we’re sometimes stubborn, we make questionable choices, and we can forget to “play nice.” We are imperfect human beings who come to church to try to be better people. It’s a lifelong process for us all, and sometimes it takes the patience of Job to worship alongside “those people” who are having more imperfect moments than usual. Thank goodness others give us grace when we take our turn being “those people.”
3. I can be a Christian in my church and still think! God gave us each a brain, and we should use them – especially at church and when we study scripture. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is my home, in part, because I don’t have to check my brain at the door. As Disciples, our only requirement is that we follow Christ. We are encouraged to discern our faith further by praying, meditating, gathering together for discussion, and reading scripture responsibly. That means taking passages in context, being aware of when it was written, to whom it was written, and what was happening in the world at that time. When we look at the Bible for overarching themes, we come closest to finding Truth with a capital “T.” Here’s one: Love God, love your neighbor as yourself. Pretty much sums it up. That’s a great “lens” from which to view any
specific scripture when you’re tempted to hit someone over the head with it.
4. Church challenges me. Gathering together is never optional for Christians. We were meant to be on this quest together. By all means, study on your own, but come together to learn and to discuss. It is a challenge to accept that as “thinking Christians” (see #3), we won’t all come to the same conclusions. Church is messy work, like watching the sausage being made. But I do love a nice Bratwurst! The end result is worth it. My faith is much richer because of church.
When it’s all said and done, I can’t imagine life without church. We need each other, and even Jesus had the disciples. What do you love about church? What do you love about Community Christian?
In Christ,
Rev. Susan Payne
Debra, Carol, and Jason power washing kitchen stove screens and floor mats.
The next Central Christian Church Men's Breakfast will be Saturday October 22nd at 8 a.m. at Wee Too Restaurant. RSVP to Amy or Kandy in the Church Office (233-1214) by Thursday October 20th. At our next breakfast we'll discuss other possible restaurants to host us. Any questions call David Dell (580) 231-1416. Thank you, David Dell
CACS is doing Loaves and Fishes again this year, starting October 1. Please bring items associated with pasta. They are also collecting chunky soup. Please bring all items and put them on the shelves in the Loggia. Thanks very much!
For Sale:
Central Christian Church is the owner of 6 plots at the Memorial Park Cemetery. These plots are available for purchase by members of the congregation at 80% of market value. Request forms are available in the church office. Upon completion and signing, the form will be forwarded to the Special Gifts Committee and a trustee will respond to the request.
If you have any questions, call Dean Shaw at 234-4317 or catch him at church.
Please make plans to stop by the office and bid Kandy Trojan a Happy Retirement! Come and go reception on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 1 to 3 pm. If you would like to give her a card or gift prior, please leave it with Melissa in the office. Amy Norris, our new Membership and Publishing Associate, is now training with Kandy in the office.
Parent Meeting
October 23, 2022 5:30 p.m.
Youth Center
We will meet and talk about children and youth programming. It’s for parents of children and youth, 1st grade through high school. Kids are welcome. Pizza will be served. Please let the church office or Martha O’Banion know how many to expect so we order enough pizza! I’m excited to get something going for our kids!
CACS is doing Loaves and Fishes again this year, starting October 1. Please bring items associated with pasta. They are also collecting chunky soup. Please bring all items and put them on the shelves in the Loggia. Thanks very much!
Please make plans to stop by the office and bid Kandy Trojan a Happy Retirement! Come and go reception on Thursday, October 20, 2022 from 1 to 3 pm. If you would like to give her a card or gift prior, please leave it with Melissa in the office.
Please lift in prayer: Family of Shirley Tapp, Joe Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Beriece Castle, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russells), Phil Steinert, Kathy Stocksten, Bill Buvinger, Chris Arnold, Josephine Shellady (on living hospice), Virginia Matthews, Katherine McLemore’s Husband Ricky, Chuck Pritchett, Dorothy Gregory (has been very sick—better now), for the ladies of the church, the Ukrainian people.