The Visitor

Sept 13th, 2022 | Download this Issue


Join us this Sunday in welcoming Rev. Susan Payne!



Thursday, September 22, 6:00 p.m.


5317 N. Wheatridge Rd.

Homemade ice cream, Chicken and fixins’

Needing a ride to the Fall Fling?

Randy Johnson will be taking the Church van. Arrive (at the church) to leave at 5:30.

Sign up in the church office.


Take Oakwood to Carrier Road then go  2 miles west to Wheatridge, turn south and go 2 miles, thru intersection, to driveway  on east side of road.  Barn in back.


Our next Central Christian Men's Breakfast will be Saturday September 24th at Wee Too  Restaurant at 8 a.m.  RSVP to Kandy in the church office(233-1214)  by September 22th if you plan to attend the Breakfast. Any  questions you can call David Dell 231-1416). Thank you. 


FYI—-from July 31, 2022 until further notice all worship services will be in the chapel!!


Randy’s beautiful choir!

Mickie’s lesson during Children’s Moment was forgiveness. Demonstrating with an   example of a pencil and eraser, God can erase our mistakes and forgive. 

Mickie’s lesson during Children’s Moment was forgiveness. Demonstrating with an   example of a pencil and eraser, God can erase our mistakes and forgive. 

Please lift in prayer:

Joe Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Beriece Castle, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Forrest Ridgeway (on hospice), Phil Steinert, Kathy Stocksten, Bill Buvinger, Chris Arnold, Josephine Shellady (on living hospice), the Ukrainian people, Joan Keeling, Virginia Matthews (having seizures).


CACS is doing Loaves and Fishes again this year, starting October 1.  You are supposed to bring anything to do with  pasta—sauce, noodles, also chunky soup. Please bring and put on the shelves in the Loggia. Thanks very much!

Don’t forget about the church workday on September 24 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.  Pat   Owens is taking care of lunch. Also we need some people to help unload Rev. Payne's

 U-Haul around noon - after the workday luncheon.


The Visitor


The Visitor