The Visitor
June 28, 2022 | Download this Issue
We are attempting to start a Men's Group at Central Christian. This group would meet once a month on Saturday morning for breakfast. This is a chance to get together and have fellowship with the men at Central. We will start this on July 16th at 8:00 A.M. at the Wee Too Restaurant. We hope you will come and join us. RSVP to the church office (233-1214) by July 14th. Contact David Dell at 580-231-1416 if you have any questions.
Notice: If you schedule a meeting, or any type of function, please let Kandy know (at 233-1214 or receptionist@centralenid,org) so she can put it on the calendar and a room can be ready for you!
Please lift in prayer:
Please lift in prayer: Penny Bishop, Jim Owens, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe & Heidi Glasgow, Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Todd Gibson (Delaney’s fiancée), Allie Wade, Forrest Ridgeway, Martina Hayley (sister of Sandra Justice), Presley Kate Burchel, Roger Groves, Bill Masters, Carrie (Pat and Gail’s daughter) Phil Steinert, Fig Newton (Leukemia), Harper (David’s daughter), Kathy Stockston, and the Ukrainian people.
Betty Shellady:
Betty loved botany in high school, and her love of plants and flowers and growing things remained with her all of her life. She graduated from Morrison High School during World War II. At the time, there was a shortage of teachers in the country schools. After a summer of training at OSU in Stillwater, Betty received an emergency teaching credential and taught two years at Lone Star School near Morrison. On May 21, 1945, she married Wynne B. Shellady of Lela, Oklahoma, and they took up residence in Enid, Oklahoma. Wynne worked as a clerk for 37 years at the Frisco Railroad. Betty was a homemaker and was devoted to her family. Wynne and Betty had two daughters, Alice Marie and Nancy Ann. Wynne and Betty attended Central Christian Church in Enid and were both active members. Betty will best be remembered for her life of love and service to others. When her children were young, she taught Sunday school at Central Christian Church and was a Campfire Girl Leader. She was also a member of Christian Women's Fellowship at the church, and she regularly visited people who were homebound.
Betty’s memorial has been set up and all money’s donated in her name will go to the caregivers who cared for Betty for so many years. Betty’s family wanted to say thank you so much, to the Christian Church and the Caregivers.
Ed Krause:
Ed Krause was a member of Central Christian Church, he joined his life and ministry to Central on Feb. 9, 1975. Ed served the church in many ways. He served as a Deacon, property committee member, world outreach committee, Stewardship committee and as a greeter. But Ed’s greatest gift was a fixer, he could fix anything! And as I was talking to several members of the church, they remembered Ed volunteering to fix problems around the building. This is a profound blessing to the church and the people who worship at Central.
Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer. Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5
Dollars for Mission July 3 is Foster Feet.
June Birthdays
Kaiser Sultan—June 8
T.J. Stanley—June 8
Linda Crabbs—June 16
Lavona Moseley—June 16
Don Angle Jr.—June 18
Jana Harvey Newton—June 20
Janet Lohmeyer—June 20
Carolyn McLemore—June 20
Suzanne Klemme—June 21
Chuck Lipps—June 24
Glennis Holler—June 25
Andrew Braud—June 26
Lisa Bloom—June 28
Bruce Huey—June 28
Lois Tilley —June 28
Casey Archambo—June 28