The Visitor

May 3, 2022 | Download this Issue


Authentic Christian living has bumps, challenges and struggles.

Living authentic lives of faith is important. Authentic lives of faith show the good times, the hard times, the struggles and even the questions we need to ask. Authentic lives of faith does not mean that we have it all figured out. The truth is, we do not. We cannot. Every single day of our lives is to be spent seeking God, growing closer to God and deepening our relationship. In that setting, there is no way we can have it all figured out. So, we should not try to portray to others that we do. This image has harmed many people and harmed the Church because we are not honest about our doubt and struggles.

God walks through life with us. I am reminded of the Foot Prints in the Sand Poem. We forget that during those hardest times God carries us. We just have to depend on God to do so. How will you depend on God this week? How will you share your authentic journey of faith this week?

Blessings,  Tom

Welcome New Member Robert James, who joined our congregation on May 1, 2022.


There will be a Celebration of Life Memorial service for Bette Owens at the CCC Chapel on May 14 at 11:00 am. with Rev. Don Johnson leading. Those who knew and loved Bette are invited to attend. Please enter through the North door. 

Please lift in prayer:

Curt Horrall, Teresa Taylor, Karen Bower, Margaret Merryman, Mike Wager (leukemia),   Joe Glasgow, Lonnie, (Lynn Bartel’s brother-cancer), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend),  Dorothy  Gregory, LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden-cancer),     Noelle Kaufman (Valerie’s granddaughter-cancer), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds),  Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin),  Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Carol Fenton (Krista B’s mom), Beriece Castle, Roger Groves, Krista Taylor, Brandy Guyton, Josh Jorden, Rusty  Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s—cancer), Todd Gibson (Delaney’s fiancée), Allie Wade (Brain cancer), Forrest Ridgeway,  Stephanie Collums, Paula Stroup (on hospice), Harold Hatt (pneumonia), Angie (Fig’s granddaughter/Concussion), Jack Weston, Pat Owens, James Mitchell (Heart surgery May 6—James Freeman’s son), Family of Caliyah Guyton, Martina Hayley (knee surgery May 23—sister of Sandra Justice) the Ukrainian people,

Dear Central Christian Church & Rev. Stanley,

This is just a note to thank you for your part in my Mom’s memorial service. My family truly felt blessed by the Central Christian Church family.  I appreciated your words at the service.  Also thank you for allowing us to use the Fellowship Hall for the luncheon The Kitchen committee did a wonderful job in preparing an awesome lunch for us.  Many Thanks,

Don & Nancy Thompson, Peter, Kyle & Jessie Thompson

P.S. Thanks for getting a guitar for our use too!!

Dear Church Family,

The family of Ruby Manahan would like to say thank you to the Caregivers and all our friends for the calls, cards and visits to our Mom. Thank you for the food you brought us before the

service.  And special thanks to Tom and Don for their services.

Sincerely, A.K., Sandy & Kerry Manahan


Easter Sunday & Worship & Wonder


Need Volunteers for Welcome Table on May 8.

Notice:  If you schedule a meeting or any type of function, please let Kandy know (at 233-1214 or so she can put it on the calendar and a room can be ready for you!


Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer.  Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5


Dollars for Mission May 8 is Loaves & Fishes

May Birthdays

Paige Waldrip

May 3

Karsten Robinett

May 4

James “Brandon” Harvey

May 6

Judi Jorden

May 9

Mike O’Banion

May 14

Patrick Novak

May 13

Joe Glasgow

May 13

Sue Dell

May 18

Stephen Chambers

May 27

Dorothy Gregory

May 24

Harper Adele Braud

May 23

Heidi Glasgow

May 28

Trigg Snyder

May 31


The Visitor


The Visitor