Midweek Update
Feb 21st, 2023 | Download this Issue
Ash Wednesday Service
5:30pm - February 22
Central Christian Church Chapel
Join with fellow Disciples from Christian Church of the Covenant and University Place Christian Church for a brief but meaningful service that will include the imposition of ashes, scripture, and song.
Lenten Devotional is Here!
Pick yours up in the church office or the narthex of the Chapel or Sanctuary. It's an easy way to add a spiritual discipline for this season of preparation.
Welcome New Members
Mike and Joan Maly transferred their membership from First Christian Edmond to Central Christian on Feb. 19. Welcome!
The Week of Compassion special offering will be collected on Feb. 26. You can make a difference in the lives of the hurting -- on our doorstep in Oklahoma and throughout the world. Please consider a gift to this ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
KIDS - Please bring your Coin Boxes to 10:15 Worship! We'll collect them during the Children's Moment.
Wednesdays in March - 5:30 - 6:30pm
This Lent, you are invited to gather for a light meal, study, and discussion with Rev. Payne. We'll look at what it means to be in Covenant with each other, with the church, and with God. Woven throughout will be a refresher (or maybe an introduction) on the ways "being Disciple" can help us navigate life.
Need childcare? Call (580) 233-1214 by Monday, Feb. 27, to request it.
Sunday, February 26
Movie & Pizza
Sunday, March 5
If you're Kindergarten - 6th Grade, save March 5, 3-5pm, for some fun with friends! Movie plus pizza - you won't want to miss this.
Parents Please Note: This event is scheduled at the same time as the Camp Parent Information Meeting, but it is for ALL of Central Kids (not just those who plan to go to camp).
February 26 - 1st Sunday in Lent
8am Chapel Service
Elder: Denny Krick
Deacons: Tom Ireland, Shirley West
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Harry Hammonds
Communion Elder: Monty Moore
Offering Elder: Martha O'Banion
Communion Tray Setup: Sharon Irwin
Deacons: Sharon Irwin, Karen Moore, Frank Guyton, Brandy Guyton
Worship & Wonder: Brandon Harvey, Judi Jorden
Following Jesus: Allison Seigars
Dollars for Missions Recipient: Jamaican Mission
Central Christian prays for ....
Bill Masters, Betty Unruh, Jim and Janet Cox, Della Huckleberry, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Beriece Castle, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day), People of Syria and Turkey (earthquakes), People of Ukraine.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Emmaus Women - 5pm
Agape Group - 6:30pm - Jorden Home
Wednesday, Feb. 22 - ASH WEDNESDAY
Ash Wednesday Service - 5:30pm - Chapel
Choir - 7pm - Choir Room
Thursday, Feb. 23
Bible Study - 5:30pm - Freeman Home
Sunday, Feb. 26 - 1st Sunday in Lent
Week of Compassion Offering
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Sanctuary Service - 10:15am
Welcome Table - 3pm - WT Committee