Midweek Update
Feb 14th, 2023 | Download this Issue
Feb. 19 - Transfiguration Sunday @ Central Message: "Transforming, Transfiguring Mountaintops"
Matthew 17:1-9
5:30pm - February 22
Central Christian Church Chapel
Joint service with Christian Church of the Covenant, Iglesia Christiana El Shaddai, and University Place Christian Church
This brief but meaningful service will include the imposition of ashes, scripture, and song.
Wednesdays in March - 5:30 - 6:30pm
This Lent, you are invited to gather for a light meal, study, and discussion with Rev. Payne. We'll look at what it means to be in Covenant with each other, with the church, and with God. Woven throughout will be a refresher (or maybe an introduction) on the ways "being Disciple" can help us navigate life.
Need childcare? Call (580) 233-1214 by Monday, Feb. 27, to request it.
Children and youth (3rd grade & older) who are ready to explore baptism are invited to attend Pastor's Class. This will be held during the month of March, with the dates and times to be set to best meet the families' schedules (looking at a possible Thursday evening, 5:30pm time). This is a time for exploration and questions! Those who feel ready following the classes will baptized on Easter Sunday, April 9, after making their Confession of Faith in Jesus on Palm Sunday, April 2.
For questions or to reserve a spot in Pastor's Class, please call Rev. Payne at (918) 520-9507.
RSVP to Teresa by Thursday, Feb. 16 - (580) 233-1214
Sunday, February 12
February 19 - Transfiguration Sunday
8am Chapel Service
Elder: Janet Jones
Deacons: Janet Lohmeyer, Jay Lohmeyer
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Communion Elder: Judi Jorden
Offering Elder: Gary Hula
Communion Tray Setup: Jason Seigars
Deacons: Jason Seigars, Allison Seigars, John Ingram, Carol Ingram
Worship & Wonder: Jana Harvey, Karen Foster
Dollars for Missions Recipient: Caminante
Central Christian prays for ....
People of Syria and Turkey (earthquakes), Betty Unruh, family of Pat Burchel, Jim and Janet Cox, Della Huckleberry, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Beriece Castle, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day)
Tuesday, Feb. 14 - Happy Valentine's Day!
Election Day - Please remember to vote
Hero Delivery - Police/Fire - 10am
Emmaus Women - 5pm
Wednesday, Feb. 15
Board Meeting - 6pm
Choir - 7pm
Thursday, Feb. 16
Bible Study - 5:30pm - Freeman Home
Vacation Bible School Mtg. - 6pm
Youth/Children's Director Search Committee - 7pm
Saturday, Feb. 18
Men's Breakfast - Wee Too - 8am
Property Workday - 10am
Sunday, Feb. 19 - Transfiguration Sunday
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Acolyte Training - 9am - Sanctuary (Rescheduled from 2/12)
Sanctuary Service - 10:15am
Welcome Table - 3pm - First United Methodist Church