Restore and Rewind
"Church is judgmental."
"Church is hypocritical."
"They're afraid to have fun."
"They think they're better than everyone else."
It's time for restoration. Time to rewind the tape. Like our Christian ancestors, who gathered and shared all that they had, we're fostering churches as places of generosity and justice. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, God is singing a different song: not a song of judgment, but of welcome and forgiveness; not a song of superiority, but of humility and grace. Our job is to listen, and learn, and follow - supporting leaders and communities as the Spirit calls them into being, laying down a new song for a new generation.
Your gifts to the 2024 Pentecost Offering, received this Sunday at Central Christian on Sundays, May 12 and 19, are divided equally between your regional ministry, which supports local new churches, and New Church Ministry. Please give generously to this Special Day Offering.
Watch your Sunday bulletin for the Special
offering envelopes.