Midweek Update
Please register by Thursday at Noon!
Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering
Central Christian Church will be collecting funds for the Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering the last Sunday in September and the first Sunday in October (in solidarity with World Communion Sunday). Funds generated by this special emphasis are used throughout the year to provide grants to ministries and congregations actively developing and implementing programs that promote our Church’s Pro-Reconciliation and Anti-Racist identity. These programs and efforts seek to reveal, re-educate, and remove systemic and structural barriers in our communities that serve to deny the image of God and human thriving based on race.
Your gifts to Reconciliation Ministry strengthens our Church’s witness to God’s unending love for all of humanity. With your generosity, leaders, communities, and our congregations are being equipped to witness to God’s love and justice in all times and in every season. The time is always ripe to stand up for justice to ensure that all of God’s children are treated equitably. Thank you for joining us on this journey through your generosity.
See the link below to give online to this important ministry.
Pat Novak – TBD
Gail Novak – Elizabeth Maddux
Suzanne Klemme – Aubrie Russell
Jana Harvey - Bryan Russell
David Dell – Sue Chael
Janet Jones – Mary Suzan Chambers
Please call the office at 580-233-1214 for more information or message youth leader, Martha O'Banion.
Dollars for Mission supports Local, Regional, and even Global Ministries and Outreach. When one dollar bills (or contributions earmarked for Dollars for Missions projects) are placed in the offering plate, they go to support that week's chosen ministry.
This week's Dollars for Mission recipient is:
Foster Feet
Foster Feet began in 2015. Central Christian Church has provided a building space, monetary support, and volunteers for Foster Feet since 2017. Foster Feet began distributing new shoes to children in need in our area. We distribute shoes and socks through Enid and Chisholm Public Schools, and other schools, churches and communities across the state and through various community partners such as CDSA, Sooner Success and others. Over 600 pairs of shoes were distributed each year in 2020, 2021 and 2022. In 2023 we distributed 1,010 pair of shoes.
Shirley West, Shirley Salisbury, Joan Keeling, Kelsey Gilbert, Margaret Day, Janice Stout, Shawn Bogue (son of Pam Lenker), Glenn Crabbs, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Corky Fowler, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Sunday, October 6, 2024
8am Chapel Service
Elder: Janet Jones
Deacons: *Georgie Haltom, Darrell Herndon
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Harry Hammonds
Communion Elder: David Dell
Offering Elder: Gary Hula
Deacons: *Maxine Shepard, Sonya Waldrip, Sarah Griffin, Lesli Snow
Worship & Wonder: Brandon Harvey and James Harvey
Children's Time: Erin Davis
Wednesday, October 2
6:00 pm - Halloween Planning Mtg - Ed. & Memb. Comm. - Rm. 109
7:00 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, October 3
9:00 am - Cookie Baking -Kitchen
9:30 am - Cookie Pkg. - Kitchen
4:30 pm - Bible Study - Freeman Home
Sunday, October 6
Installation of Pastor Ronnie Hopkins
Home Centered Communion
8:00 am - Chapel Service
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Service
11:30 am - Rev. Hopkins Installation Lunch - Fellowship Hall
11:30 am - Disciples Youth Group (Lunch & Mtg.) -
Rm. 109 - Basement
4:30 pm - Welcome Table - Hosted by Central Christian Church
Monday, October 7
10:00 am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.
Tuesday, October 8
10:30 am - Hero Delivery
6:00 pm - Church History Bible Study - Multi-purpose room (Upstairs)
6:30 pm - Agape at the Thomas House
Wednesday, October 9
7:00 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.