Midweek Update
Rev. Jose Garza
Jose E. Garza will be filling our pulpit at Central Christian Church for May and June. Most of you might be familiar with Jose through Iglesia Cristiana El Shaddai, where he served as pastor for three years since 2021. A native of Mexico, Jose moved to Texas and met and married his wife, Maria. They lived in Dallas for 40 years where he served as the worship director at Rosemont Christian Church.
After serving as missionaries in Mexico, Maria and Jose felt called to serve as pastors in 2004 and eventually completed their training. In 2011, Jose served as the Associate Pastor at First Christian Church, in Commerce, Texas, and Maria was called to be their Senior Pastor.
Jose’s Oklahoma home church is Christian Church of the Covenant. They have 4 children. In 2018, the 20-year empty nest couple welcomed two young girls into their home, Alexa, 6, and Aliyah, 5.
We welcome Jose and look forward to his time with us.
Central Christian Church extends Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Bob Greenhaw who passed from this life to the next on Thursday, April 25, 2024. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at one o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, May 4th at Central Christian Church, 1111 West Broadway, Enid, Oklahoma 73703. A reception will follow in CCC’s Fellowship Hall.
Interment will be in Memorial Park Cemetery with full military honors. Memorial donations in Bob’s memory may be made to Central Christian Church, Gideons International, or the Enid Public School Foundation through Anderson Burris Funeral Home.
The service will be livestreamed on YouTube at CentralChristianChurchEnidOK.
We join in prayer and care for all those impacted by the tornadoes this past weekend. Of special concern among our Oklahoma Disciples family are First Christian Church, Sulphur, and First Christian Church, Morris. Both suffered significant damage to their buildings.
Expressions of care may be sent in care of their pastors, Randy Martin (Sulphur) at martins_ada@sbcglobal.net and Tim Craighton (Morris) at tim.craighton@gmail.com.
Monetary gifts to help with recovery may be sent to:
Week of Compassion designated for "Oklahoma tornado relief"
Oklahoma Region designated to our "Oklahoma Regional Disaster Fund". Give online through Givelify or mail to Christian Church in Oklahoma, PO Box 891140, Oklahoma City, OK 73189-1140.
We STILL need volunteers to monitor the
practice room on
May 1, 2, & 3 for Tri-State.
Call the office
580-233-1214 to sign up!
Paul and Mickie Giberson represent CCC at the 2024 Regional Assembly
In the next two weeks, we will share some of the happenings at the 2024 Regional Assembly for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Paul and Mickie Giberson served as Central's voting delegates.
In recognition of her retirement, the region has created the Pamela & Randy Holt Endowment Fund. The earnings from this fund will go to Youth Camping Ministries. As of our regional meeting, the total was almost $10,000. This fund will be available to add to it at any time.
Please consider a gift in honor of Rev. Pam Holt.
Please mark your calendars for oceans
of fun at VBS this summer!
July 22-26, from 5:00-7:30 pm
We hope to "sea" you there!
May 5
Judi Jorden - J. Curtis Huckleberry
Laurie Bushman - Melissa Hula
Thom Bushman - Linda Crabbs
Valerie Driscoll - Georgie Haltom
Karen Foster - Darrell Herndon
Martha O' Banion - Tom Ireland
Serving In Worship
May 5
Sixth Sunday of Easter
8 am Chapel Service
Worship Leader & Elder: Valerie Driscoll
Deacons: *Jay Lohmeyer, Janet Lohmeyer
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Jana Harvey
Communion Elder: Karen Foster
Offering Elder: Martha O'Banion
Deacons: *Melissa Hula, Sarah Griffin, Carolyn Kurz, Shirley Salisbury
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ...
The family of Bob Greenhaw, the family of Charles Holler, Janice Stout (no visitors, please), Shawn Bogue (son of Pam Lenker), Myrla Powell, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Corky Fowler, Bill Masters, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Wednesday, May 1
Thursday, May 2
4:30 pm - Bible Study (Freeman Home)
Friday, May 3
Sunday, May 5 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
8 am - Chapel Worship
9 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Worship
2:30 pm - Disciples Youth Group, Youth Rm., Basement
3pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - Central Christian Church (hosting)
Monday, May 6
9:00 am Cookie Baking - Kitchen
10:30 am Cookie Packaging - Kitchen
10:00 am Staff Mtg.- Conf. Rm.
5:30 pm Fellowship Guild
6:00 pm VBS Meeting - Library