Midweek Update
Palm Sunday / Cantata - March 24 - 10am
(please note that we are beginning 15 minutes early)
Palm Sunday & Cantata - March 24, 10am - Combined Service (15 minutes earlier than usual - don't be late!). Hear the combined choirs of Central Christian and First United Methodist. Children's Palm Processional kicks off the morning worship.Enid Disciples Maundy Thursday Service - March 28, 6:00pm
at Christian Church of the Covenant - Fellowship Hall
(covered dish meal provided by Covenant members)Enid Downtown Churches' Good Friday Worship - March 29, 12noon
Walk with the cross from 1st Presbyterian, to 1st United Methodist, to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. Led by ministers of these congregations and Central Christian Church.Community Good Friday Worship - March 29, 6:30pm
at University Place Christian Church. Includes all Enid Disciples congregations. “7 Last Words of Christ"Easter Egg Hunt (neighbors invited!) - March 30, 11am
Sponsored by Central Christian. Fun activities, take a picture with the Easter Bunny.Easter Sunday Worship - March 31
8am - Chapel Worship
10:15am - Sanctuary Worship
The Easter Offering, received by Central Christian Church on March 24 & 31, 2024, supports several of the general ministries of the Christian Church. Your gift supports college students in leadership development programs, global mission partners, health and social service ministries, the formation of new congregations, support for pastors and chaplains, and so much more.
Your gift has the power to change lives around the world.
Wanted: Sunday Nursery / Toddler Attendant
If someone you know might be interested in this paid staff position, working in the church nursery / toddler area with Mendy Metcalfe, please contact Melissa Thomas in the church
office for details.
Men's Breakfast
Join us for food and fellowship!
Saturday, March 23
8:30 am
Pheasant Run
Golf & Grill
1702 Club House Dr.
Enid, OK
Serving In Worship
March 24
10:00 am Palm Sunday Cantata
Worship Leader: Thom Bushman
Communion Elder: Thom Bushman
Offering Elder: Karen Foster
Deacons: *Carolyn Kurz, Melissa Hula, Tary Davis Johnson
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ...
Jim Freeman, Tammy Hromas, Bill Haney (father of Allison Seigars), Myrla Powell, Glenn Crabbs, Krista Braud, Glennis Holler, Scott Warfield, Eddie Vickers (father-in-law of Austin Hula), Dick & Beriece Castle, Corky Fowler, Bill Masters, Jim & Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Tuesday, March 19
10:30 am - Hero Delivery - Police and Fire
6 pm - Special Gifts Meeting
Wednesday, March 20
5:30 pm - Cabinet Meeting
7 pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Saturday, March 23
8:30 am - DISCIPLES MEN'S BREAKFAST - Pheasant Run Grill
Sunday, March 24 - PALM SUNDAY
9am - Sunday School
3 pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - Emmanuel Women's Bible Study, hosting
Monday, March 25
10:30am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.