The Visitor

July 18, 2022 | Download this Issue


Join us on July 24 as we celebrate Tom Stanley’s last Sunday with us. We will gather for one service in the Sanctuary at 10:00. Michael Davison will join us as we close out Tom’s time with us. We will celebrate his ministry and the new things ahead for both him and our church. After the service we will break bread together in Fellowship Hall with a celebratory luncheon. La Fiesta will cater this event! Bring your favorite stories about Tom to share...the funnier the better. We will pass around the mic and “roast” him in a kind, but humorous way. There will also be a basket for cards if you would like to honor Tom and Sandy with a personal note. See you in the pews!

Martha O’Banion, Board Moderator


Search Committee Update: The Congregational Profile has been updated and sent to the Regional Office! Thank you again for submitting answers for the survey. On August 1 at 5:00 pm, Michael Davison will be meeting with the Search Committee and anyone else from the congregation who wants to learn about the search and call process. If you would like to join us, please let Sue Dell know. We will order pizza and would like to know how many people will attend. Please keep praying for Tom and his family as they close out this ministry and begin a new one. Also pray for our new minister, whomever they may be, may they hear God’s call to come and join us in our ministry at Central Christian. Sue Dell (580) 747-014

For your information: The office staff until further notice is out of commission. Melissa is on vacation and Kandy is out sick! Tom’s last day is Sunday. Volunteers are keeping things going as best we can. Please be patient with us as we go through this crazy time. We are holding it together as best we can. Prayers appreciated. Martha O’Banion


Please lift in prayer:

Jim Owens, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe & Heidi Glasgow (in Houston), Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), LeeAnn Rogers (friend of Judi Jorden), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Forrest Ridgeway, Presley Kate Burchel, Phil Steinert, Fig Newton (Leukemia—home / text or call/ no visitors), Harper (David’s daughter), Kathy Stocksten, Bill Buvinger (Heart Surgery), Jason Miller and his extended family, Leona Mitchell and her extended family, and the Ukrainian people.

MEN OF CENTRAL CHRISTIAN: We had a great to start our Men's Group at Central Christian. Nine men from Central met the Wee Too Restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. Stay tuned for the date of our next outing. We hope you will come and join us. Contact David Dell at 580-231-1416 if you have any questions.


It is time!!—CWF is collecting school supplies. Please help by bringing your donations to the church and place them in the big wooden box in front of the office. We are very grateful for all the support you have given us in the past.


I have compiled the results from our congregational survey and not surprisingly, we are a diverse and passionate group of people! Thank everyone who turned in a survey, there were many of you.  Here’s what rose to the top:

            Areas of strength: outreach, music, and dedicated caring people. Also our Adult Sunday School classes, our facility and our non-judgmental doctrine.

            Areas to  improve on: growth of congregation (emphasis on children and youth) was the over-whelming consensus.  Some of the other things mentioned include advertising what CCC has to offer to raise awareness/perception of our church, various facility updates/repairs, and being more welcoming to visitors.

What we would like to see in the next 5 years:

This section was the most varied. Improved attendance and youth/children’s programing rose to the top of the list. A few of the other things were:  growing our contemporary service, improving our facility,  and more fellowship opportunities.

The search committee is looking over all your comments. We are committed to representing you, our church family, as best we can. We will keep you informed of our progress while keeping sensitive information confidential. Please keep us in your prayers as we go through the search and call process.


Martha O’Banion, Board Moderator


Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer.  Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5

Dollars for Mission July 24 is for the Loaves and Fishes



The Visitor


The Visitor