Midweek Update
Jan 23rd, 2024 | Download this Issue
Mark 1:21-28
Message: ”Order in the Church!”
Jan. 28 - 8 am & 10:15 am
Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) extends Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Wayne Salisbury who passed from this life to the next on Sunday, January 21, 2024. A memorial service will be held at Central Christian Church on Wednesday, January 24 at 2 p.m. Family Visitation will be Tuesday, January 23 from 5-6 p.m. at Anderson-Burris Funeral Home.
A memorial fund for Wayne has been established at Central Christian Church (General Fund). Please indicate that your contribution is for the Wayne Salisbury Memorial Fund.
Lunch will be provided for the family. If you would like to serve or provide a dish, please click on this MealTrain link.
View the obituary and service information by clicking on his name (above).
Deacons' Meeting and Training - THIS Sunday, Jan. 28
All members of the Diaconate are asked to attend a brief meeting and training session for 2024, THIS Sunday, Jan. 28, immediately following 10:15am worship. If you cannot attend, a copy of the revised Deacon Handbook (including 2024 schedule) will be available for you to pick up in the church office.
Mendy Metcalfe will be on medical leave Jan. 28 through Feb. 18. We need volunteers to assist Katlyn in the Toddler Room during this time. Could you help one or more of these Sundays, 9am - 11:15am? Call the church office for more information.
January 28-Betty Unruh
February 4-Karen Foster
February 11-still needed
February 18-still needed
We want you to join us for YOUTH GROUP!
When: 1st and 3rd Sundays from 2:30 – 4:00 pm
Where: CCC Youth room (basement)
Who: Any student 4th – 12th grades
Bring a friend and
join the fun!
We need newspapers for some upcoming projects! Please recycle your papers for our youth! Look for the plastic tub!
For more information: contact Martha O'Banion
Serving In Worship
January 28
8am Chapel Service
Worship Leader & Elder: Karen Foster
Deacons: *Shirley West, Tom Ireland
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Martha O'Banion
Communion Elder: Gail Novak
Offering Elder: Pat Novak
Deacons: *Linda Shaw, Myrtle Mae Atkinson, Carolyn Kurz, Elizabeth Maddux
Children's Moment : Kristal Bells
Worship & Wonder: Jana Harvey, Karen Foster
Following Jesus: Allison Seigars
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ...
Darrell Herndon, Toni Parsons (daughter of Myrtle Mae Atkinson), Mark Boler, Pat Novak, Glenn Crabbs, Myrla Powell, Krista Braud, Wayne Salisbury, Glennis Holler, Patrick Anderson, Scott Warfield, Eddie Vickers (father-in-law of Austin Hula), Dick & Beriece Castle, Corky Fowler, Connee Ragle, Bill Masters, Jim and Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Christian Sympathy to the family of Wayne Salisbury.
Tuesday, Jan. 23
5-6 pm - Wayne Salisbury Visitation, Anderson-Burris
Wednesday, Jan. 24
2 pm - Wayne Salisbury Memorial - Chapel
7pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, Jan. 25
4:30 pm - Bible Study - Freeman Home
Sunday, Jan. 28
8 am - Chapel Worship
9 am - Sunday School
10:15 am - Sanctuary Worship
11:15 am - Deacon's Meeting
3:00 pm Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - First United
Methodist Church, hosting
Monday, Jan. 29
10:30am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.