Midweek Update
Jan 9th, 2024 | Download this Issue
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Message: ”Is It Really You, God?”
Jan. 14 - 8am & 10:15am
Please add these important meetings to your calendar - we will consider funding for necessary roof repairs.
Board Meeting
Jan. 17 - 5:30pm - Fellowship Hall
Congregational Meeting
Jan. 21 - Following 10:15am Worship
All members of the Diaconate are asked to attend a brief meeting and training session for 2024. Please remain in the sanctuary this Sunday (Jan. 14, immediately following 10:15am worship) for this meeting. If you cannot attend, a copy of the revised Deacon Handbook (including 2024 schedule) will be available for you to pick up in the church office.
Mendy Metcalfe will be on medical leave Jan. 28 through Feb. 18. We need volunteers to assist Katlyn in the Toddler Room during this time. Could you help one or more of these Sundays, 9am - 11:15am? Call the church office for more information.
January 28
February 4
February 11
February 18
Thank You!
I want to thank ... Central Christian Church for its support of Vance student pilots and enlisted men and women in 2023, You made a difference. The airmen loved the homemade cookies and cards of encouragement.
In 2023, Enid businesses, churches, civic clubs, and individuals personally welcomed over 500 Air Force men and women to VAFB in Enid, Your actions showed that our community is grateful for their service to our country.
Thanks again for your support of VAFB airment in 2023. I look forward to your continued support in 2024.
Don Johnson, Vance Hero Project Coord.
Serving In Worship
January 14
8am Chapel Service
Worship Leader & Elder: Valerie Driscoll
Deacons: Georgie Haltom, Darrell Herndon
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: TBA
Communion Elder: Karen Foster
Offering Elder: Jana Harvey
Deacons: *Tary Davis Johnson, Sonya Waldrip, Lesli Snow, Sarah Griffin
Children's Moment : TBA
Worship & Wonder: Allison Seigars, Brooke Waldrip
Following Jesus: Sonya Waldrip
* lead deacon
Central Christian prays for ....
Toni Parsons (daughter of Myrtle Mae Atkinson), Mark Boler, Pat Novak, Glenn Crabbs, Myrla Powell, Krista Braud, Wayne Salisbury, Glennis Holler, Patrick Anderson, Scott Warfield, Eddie Vickers (father-in-law of Austin Hula), Dick & Beriece Castle, Corky Fowler, Connee Ragle, Bill Masters, Jim and Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Wednesday, Jan. 10
7pm - Choir - Choir Rm.
Thursday, Jan. 11
4:30pm - Bible Study - Freeman Home
Sunday, Jan. 14
8am - Chapel Worship
9am - Sunday School - all ages
10:15am - Sanctuary Worship
Following Worship - Deacon Meeting & Training - Sanctuary
3:00pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30pm) - Central Christian & Christian Church of the Covenant, hosting - SERVERS NEEDED!
Monday, Jan. 15
10:30am - Staff Mtg. - Conf. Rm.
6pm - Special Gifts Committee - Library
6:45pm - Exec. Committee - Library
Tuesday, Jan. 16
6pm - Worship Committee - Conf. Rm.