Midweek Update
Sept 12th, 2023 | Download this Issue
Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023
Exodus 12:1-14
Message: "Remember"
Central's Fall Festival is Coming in October!
Please join us for the annual Central Christian Church Fall Festival.
When: Thursday, Oct. 5 at 6:00pm
Where: Robinett's Party Barn, 5317 N Wheatridge, Rd.
Tailgating theme - feel free to wear your favorite team's colors or come as you are!
There will be food, fun and plenty of festivities for everyone!
Tea and water will be served with dinner, but you may bring your own beverage of choice.
Hope to see you there!
Children's Sunday School had a fun time last week with art and "shrinky dinks." Elementary age children are invited to come next week for Jesus and the Children - cooking rotation.
Come and join us at 9:00am every Sunday in the education wing!
Week 1 Small Group Meetings
9/12 at 6:30pm- Jorden Group - Moore Home
9/13 at 10:00am- Giberson Group - Central Christian Library
9/15 at 2:00pm- Dell Group - Dell Home
9/15 at 5:30pm- Seigars Group - Seigars Home
Directory Pictures!
It’s time for a new directory! Photos will be taken on Sunday, Sept. 17. Come to the adult library 9-10am, or following 10:15am worship. We’ll snap a family picture and individual pictures for the church. Have a photo you'd rather use instead? Email it to receptionist@centralenid.org.
Storytellers & Greeters Needed
Can you help our youngest Christians grow in their faith? Storytellers and greeters are needed for the Children Worship & Wonder program. Training is provided. Volunteers would join our existing storytellers and greeters, taking turns serving on Sundays during 10:15am worship. Want to know more? contact the church office or Valerie at 231-8195.
Need Hearing Aid Batteries?
A Central member has donated several packages of SIZE 13 hearing aid batteries. Interested? Call Cheyenne or stop by the church office.
Sunday - September 17, 2023
September 17, 2023
8am Chapel Service
Elder & Worship Leader: TBA
Deacons: Tom Ireland, Shirley West
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: TBA
Communion: Thom Bushman
Offering Elder: Laurie Bushman
Deacons: *Natalie Schuermann, Van Schuermann, Linda Shaw, Allison Angleton
Worship & Wonder: Allison Seigars, Judi Jorden
*Lead Deacon
Central Christian Prays For...
Mary Suzan Chambers, Harry Hammonds (Red Cross), Scott Warfield, Bridget Cileberite, Lavonda and Don Wentworth, Eddie Vickers (father-in-law of Austin Hula), Dick & Beriece Castle, Jason Miller (and family), Corky Fowler, Connee Ragle, Bill Masters, Jim and Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Tuesday, September 12
10:00am Hero Delivery
5:00pm Emmaus Women - Rm. 109
6:30pm New Beginnings - Jorden Group - Moore's Home
Wednesday, September 13
10:00am New Beginnings - Giberson Group - Library
7:00pm Choir - Choir Rm.
Friday, September 15
2:00pm New Beginnings - Dell Group - Dell Home
5:30pm New Beginnings - Seigars Group - Seigars Home
Saturday, September 16
8:00am Men's Breakfast - Wee Too Restaurant
10:00am Monthly Property Workday
Sunday, September 17
8:00am Worship - Chapel
9:00am Sunday School
9:00am Directory Photos - Library
10:15am Worship - Sanctuary
11:00am Directory Photos - Library
11:00am Special Gifts Introduction - Confernce Room
11:00am New Beginnings Group Ldr. Mtg. - Rm. 109
3:00pm Welcome Table - First United Methodist, hosting
(served 4:30-5:30pm)
Monday, September 18
10:30am Staff Meeting - Conference Room
Tuesday, September 19
6:30pm New Beginnings - Jorden Group - Moore's Home
6:30pm New Beginnings - Klemme Group - Jones Home