Midweek Update
May 31st, 2023 | Download this Issue
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Genesis 1:1-2:4a
Pentecost celebrated at Central
Inspired by the Acts 2 description of the coming of the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire, the Worship Committee created liturgical art using gauzy strips of red, yellow, and orange. Two flame balloon sculptures graced the sides of the chancel. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
Volunteer Registrations Due June 19
Want to help with Vacation Bible School this year? Please let us know you're available by printing off and filling out this Volunteer Registration. Completed forms can be returned to the church office in person or by mail. VBS dates are July 17-21, and Student Registrations are also now being accepted!
Central, it’s our turn
to host June 4!
Welcome Table is hosted weekly by various churches and groups. This Sunday, it is Central Christian’s turn!
We are especially inviting YOU if you’ve never served before. Just come to the church at 3:45 - you’ll be glad you did.
Memorial Service
Jim Owens
Saturday, June 17
1:00 p.m.
Central Christian Church
1111 W. Broadway
Enid, Oklahoma
Everyone is Invited!
Please reserve Tuesday, June 13, 7pm, to participate in our first New Beginnings session. This is open to all members and regular participants at Central. We'll meet our Congregational Assessor, and Regional Minister Rev. Pam Holt will lead us in an appreicative inquiry session.
Sunday - June 4, 2023
Genesis 1:1-2:4a
Psalm 8
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20
June 4, 2023
8am Chapel Service
Elder & Worship Leader: Jim Freeman
Deacons: Georgie Haltom, Darrell Herndon
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Suzanne Klemme
Communion Elder: Jana Harvey
Offering Elder: Valerie Driscoll
Deacons: Linda Shaw, Carolyn Kurz, Sonya Waldrip, Shirley Salisbury
Worship & Wonder: Allison Seigars, Krista Braud
Serving Week of June 4
Laurie Bushman - Carolyn Kurz
Pat Novak - John Ingram
Gail Novak - Carol Ingram
Tom Bushman - Allison Seigars
Suzanne Klemme - Karen Moore
Gary Hula - Sharon Irwin
Central Christian Prays For ....
Denny Krick, Corky and Willa Jo Fowler, Norma Ferguson, Connee Ragle (spouse of Rev. Paul Ragle, CC of the Covenant), Bill Masters, Jim and Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Beriece Castle, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joey White (friend of Andy and Krista Braud), Jay Gorton, (son of Myrtle Mae Atkinson), Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Thursday, June 1
5:30pm - Bible Study - Freeman Home
Sunday, June 4
8:00am - Chapel Service
9:00am - Sunday School
10:15am - Sanctuary Service
4:30pm - Welcome Table - Central Christian Church, hosting!
Monday, June 5
10:00am - Staff Meeting
5:30pm - Fellowship Guild - Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, June 6
9:00am - Cookie Baking - Hero Project - Kitchen
9:45am - Cookie Packaging - Hero Project - Fellowship Hall
4:00pm - CWF Executive Committee - Conference Room
5:00pm - Emmaus Women - Conference Room
5:30pm - Caregivers Group - Bracher Home