Midweek Update
April 4th, 2023 | Download this Issue
Enid Disciples Maundy Thursday Service - April 6, 5:30pm
at Christian Church of the Covenant - Fellowship Hall
(includes a light meal of bread, fruit, veggies, cheeses)
Enid Downtown Churches' Good Friday Worship - April 7, 12noon
Walk with the cross from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church,
to 1st United Methodist, to 1st Presbyterian. Led by ministers of these congregations and Central Christian Church.
Community Good Friday Worship - April 7, 6:30pm
at University Place Christian Church.
Includes all Enid Disciples congregations.
“7 Last Words of Jesus"
Easter Sunday Worship - April 9
8am - Chapel Worship
10:15am - Sanctuary Worship
Four members of our Pastor's Class came forward Sunday to make their Confessions of Faith. Please hold them in prayer this week as they prepare for baptism on Easter Sunday:
Bosten Buller
Katelyn Maddux
Amalie Swenson
Lilly Swenson
Central Christian Church is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for its children, grandchildren, and friends, Saturday, April 8, 1pm. The hunt will take place at 40 Wilderness Rd. in Enid. Thanks to our Membership and Christian Ed committees for their efforts on this fun event for the whole church!
April 9 - Easter Sunday
8am Chapel Service
Elder: Thom Bushman
Deacons: Tom Ireland, Shirley West
10:15am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Thom Bushman
Communion Elder: Pat Novak
Offering Elder: Gail Novak
Communion Tray Setup: Carolyn Kurz
Deacons: Carolyn Kurz, Linda Shaw, Melissa Hula, Tary Davis Johnson (Allison & Jason Seigars, backup)
Worship & Wonder: Carol Ingram, Brooke Waldrip
Following Jesus: Sonya Waldrip
Dollars for Missions Recipient: ENID WELCOME TABLE
Central Christian prays for ....
Jana Harvey, Joey White (friend of Andy and Krista Braud), Dorothy Bracher, Jay Gorton (son of Myrtle Mae Atkinson), Bill Masters, Jim and Janet Cox, Sandra Justice, Dorothy Gregory, Beriece Castle, Bill Buvinger, Virginia Matthews, Joanne Berridge (sister of Margaret Day).
Tuesday, April 4
4pm - CWF Executive Committee - Conf. Rm.
5pm - Emmaus Women - Conf. Rm.
5:30pm - Caregivers - Bracher Home
Wednesday, April 5
8:30am - TOPS
12 noon - CWF Luncheon - Fellowship Hall
6pm - Personnel Committee - Conf. Rm.
7pm - Choir
Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday
9am - Cookie Baking
5:30pm - Disciples Maundy Thursday Service - Christian Church of the Covenant - Fellowship Hall
Friday, April 7
12 noon - Downtown Good Friday Service - begins at St. Matthew's Episcopal
6:30pm - Community Good Friday Service - University Place Christian Church
Saturday, April 8
1:00pm - Easter Egg Hunt - 40 Wilderness Rd., Enid
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday
8:00am - Chapel Service
9:00am - Sunday School
10:15am - Sanctuary Service
3:00pm - Welcome Table (Served 4:30-5:30)