Midweek Update

Jan 19th, 2023 | Download this Issue

Enhancing Central Christian's Communication with You
Dear Church,
Beginning in February, you’ll notice some changes to this Central Christian Church Visitor newsletter. Here are a few highlights:

  • New Design – the newsletter will be larger so that we have more space to cover our ministries and events, including room for more photos! That means that if your group is doing something special, we would love to include pictures. Send them to Teresa (receptionist@centralenid.org) with a description of what’s going on. There also will be a full-page pullout calendar and worship serving schedules for the entire month.

  • New Schedule - the Visitor will now be monthly (instead of weekly), delivered in the same manner as your current Visitor (email or mailed to those without email). You’ll receive the February issue the last week of January.

  • Midweek Update– we’ve been sending out a weekly email newsletter for the past several weeks called the Midweek Update. That will continue, and it will include the old weekly Visitor content, like serving schedules, weekly calendar, and “late-breaking news.” Information in the Midweek Update will be included on the back of the bulletin.

We hope that you’ll enjoy receiving the new newsletter. If you have ideas, suggestions, or news items, please let us know! You can contact me, Allison Seigars (communications chair), or Teresa Haney in the office.

In Christ,


Beginning February 5, Sanctuary Worship will begin at 10:15am.

Where do you fit in Central Christian's ministries?  Ministry groups (aka "Committees") are making plans for 2023 activities. 

Here are a few areas to consider:
CACS - community outreach
Education - children & youth
Stewardship & Finance
World Outreach

For more information, click on the button below. You'll find a form you can print out and return to the church. Or call the church at (580) 233-1214.

Central Christian is updating its member information for directories, emergency contacts, and other communications.

(These forms have been sent postal mail to people without email, emailed to households, and there will be blank paper forms in the narthex if you'd prefer to fill out a paper copy. Please use the method that is easiest for you!)

If you have not completed and returned an information form, you can click on the button below to complete the form.

Before filling out the form, you will need to download it to your computer and save it. Then fill it out and attach it to an email to: financialsecretary@centralenid.org. 

January 22

8am Chapel Service

  • Elder:  Suzanne Klemme

  • Deacons:  Georgie Haltom, Shirley West

  • Communion Tray Set Up:  Georgie Haltom

10am Sanctuary Service

  • Worship Leader:  Janet Jones

  • Offering Elder: Denny Krick

  • Communion Elder: Peg Krick

  • Deacons:  Karen Moore, Shirley Salisbury, Maxine Shepard

  • Communion Tray Set Up:  Karen Moore

  • Worship & Wonder: Jana Harvey, Judi Jorden

  • Following Jesus:  Allison Seigars

In place of Pastor's Cabinet this month, Committee Chairs/Department Heads are holding a Sunday, Jan. 22 lunch and a calendar planning session. Please come with possible events and dates for your committee. We'll meet immediately following 10am worship in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, Jan. 22 - Laity Sunday
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Sanctuary Service - 10am
Welcome Table - 3pm - Bickford Bible Study

Monday, Jan. 23
Staff Meeting - 10:30am

Tuesday, Jan. 24
Tai Chi & Chair Yoga - 11:30am

Wednesday, Jan. 25
TOPS - 8:30am
 Choir - 7pm

Thursday, Jan. 26
Tai Chi & Chair Yoga - 11:30am
Bible Study - 5:30pm - Freeman Home

Sunday, Jan. 29 - Music Sunday
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Sanctuary Service - 10am
Welcome Table - 3pm - Welcome Table Committee


Midweek Update


The Visitor