Enid Central Christian Church

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The Visitor

July 5, 2022 | Download this Issue

Central  Christian Church, along with Christian Church of the Covenant Iglesia Cristiana El Shaddai, and University Place Christian Church, will host Vacation Bible School from July 18th through July 22nd at Central. VBS will be for those who have just completed Pre-K through 6th, but will offer nursery services for younger children whose older siblings are in VBS. Each evening begins with dinner at 5pm and concludes at 8pm. Children will participate in art, music, storytelling, science, and games, all of which are centered around the “God’s Wonder Lab: Jesus Does the Impossible” theme.

On Friday, July 22nd, VBS will host a block party to allow parents, neighbors, and friends to see the art, music, and friendships from the week and to participate in fellowship with the VBS participants. All are welcome to enjoy bounce houses, food, face painting, and other activities. The block party will be from 5:30 to 7:30pm on the north side of Central Christian.

This year’s four-church VBS program was made available through a Disciples of Christ $3500 grant. Each church will have volunteers on-site to assist with the week’s activities.

“We’re very excited about the opportunity to be able to provide one opportunity for all our Disciples friends to share Christ’s message with the young people in the community,” said Tom Stanley, Pastor at Central Christian Church.


We are attempting to start a Men's Group at Central Christian. This group would meet once a month on Saturday morning for breakfast. This is a chance to get together and have fellowship with the men at Central. We will start this on July 16th at 8:00 A.M. at the Wee Too Restaurant. We hope you will come and join us. RSVP to the church  office (233-1214) by July 14th. Contact David Dell at 580-231-1416 if you have any questions.

Notice:  If you schedule a meeting, or any type of function, please let Kandy know (at 233-1214 or receptionist@centralenid,org) so she can put it on the calendar and a room can be ready for you!

Please lift in prayer:

Jim Owens, Curt Horrall, Mike Wager, Joe & Heidi Glasgow (in Houston), Lonnie (Lynn Bartel’s  brother), Cherie Ward (Janet Lohmeyer’s friend), Dorothy Gregory,     LeeAnn  Rogers (friend of  Judi Jorden), Noelle Kaufman (on hospice—Valerie’s granddaughter), Tim Stelling (friend of Harry Hammonds), Nancy (Denny Krick’s cousin), Virginia Matthews, Ron Miller, Beriece Castle, Krista Taylor, Rusty Yoachum (friend of the Russel’s), Forrest Ridgeway, Presley Kate Burchel, Phil Steinert, Fig Newton (Leukemia—home / text or call/ no visitors),  Harper (David’s daughter), Cyndi    Stuart (knee replacement surgery July 12), Kathy Stocksten, Nancy (John & Carol Ingrams sister—very ill), and the Ukrainian people.

Thanks very much for all the prayers, cards, phone calls and support during my recent recovery. Sincerely, Virginia Matthews

Please join us on July 24 as we celebrate Tom Stanley’s last Sunday with us.  We will gather for one service in the Sanctuary at 10:00. Michael Davison will join us as we close out Tom’s time with us.  We will celebrate his ministry and the new things ahead for both him and our church.

After the service we will break bread together in Fellowship Hall with a      celebratory luncheon.  La Fiesta will cater this event!  Bring your favorite stories about Tom to share...the funnier the  better.  We will pass around the mic and “roast” him in a kind, but humorous way.  There will also be a basket for cards if you would like to honor Tom and Sandy with a personal note.  See you in the pews!

Martha O’Banion, Board Moderator

Harper, Lucy, Gwyneth, and Ellowyn showing their Patriotic art work during Worship and Wonder.

Worship & Wonder will not occur during the summer.  Our last service will be May 22 and resume on September 5

Dollars for Mission July 10 is Peru.

June Birthdays

Kaiser Sultan—June 8                                    

T.J. Stanley—June 8                                     

Linda Crabbs—June 16                                    

Lavona Moseley—June 16                                 

Don Angle Jr.—June 18

Jana Harvey Newton—June 20

Janet Lohmeyer—June 20  

Carolyn McLemore—June 20 

Suzanne Klemme—June 21 

Chuck Lipps—June 24     

Glennis Holler—June 25

Andrew Braud—June 26

Lisa Bloom—June 28

Bruce Huey—June 28

Lois Tilley —June 28

Casey Archambo—June 28