Midweek Update
The Youth are going to the theatre on March 2, 2025!!
If your child would like to be included in the outing please see Martha O'Banion.
As part of the Capital Campaign we will be having a bake sale and silent auction of baked goods before and after the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4 and before and after the Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, March 5. If you are wiling to bring a baked good for sale or auction please have them to the church by noon on Tuesday. Thank you for all your help.
Join us for Fat Tuesday!
The celebration before Ash Wednesday.
We are having pancake and sausage supper.
March 4 @ 5:30 pm
Please RSVP to the office at 580-233-1214.
Join Pastor Ronnie for Lenten Movie nights.
Tuesday beginning March 11 at 6:30
These movies will have a learning session before and after each movie.
Vacation Bible School planning has begun. Next meeting is Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:30 pm in the Library.
Family of Pastor Ronnie Hopkins, Rita Edgar, Paul Giberson, Myrtle Mae Atkinson, Tom and Janice Stout, Norman Lenker, Krista Braud, Virginia Matthews, Sandra Justice, Ruben Justice, Joan Keeling, Janet Cox, Worth and Dorothy Bracher, Thatcher Severin, Michael Clark and Janice Warfield.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
8:00 am Rise Shine and Sing Service
Elder: Jana Harvey
Deacons: *Darrell Herndon/Georgie Haltom
10:30 am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader: Karen Foster
Communion Elder: Karen Foster
Offering Elder: Suzanne Klemme
Deacons: *Rhonda Robinett, Sue Chael, J. Curtis Huckleberry, Tary Davis Johnson
Worship & Wonder: Jana Harvey and James Harvey
Happy Birthday to Janice Stout (81) and
James Freeman (91)
Dollars for Missions this Sunday is the Enid Welcome Table