Midweek Update
Jan 12th, 2023 | Download this Issue
Called to Serve, Committed to Christ and His Church
Dear Church,
I was fortunate to grow up in a neighborhood of families with children my age. The friendships that developed were forged through shared experiences, laughter, and even a few tears. As the years went by, these friends became like family. There was trust. There was respect. There was “community” in the best sense of the word.
When church is at its best, it is just such a community, brought together by a love of God and a shared and stubborn desire to love our neighbors as God has loved us. This is the work of the church, and together we share this ministry. We are Disciples of Christ, and beginning with our baptism, we are called – every one of us!
In every church, though, there are individuals who step up to lead. Their particular calls have led them to accept positions as elders, deacons, and officers of the board.
On Sunday, Jan. 22, we will install our new board officers and deacons, commission Judi Jorden as a new elder, and recognize new Deacons Emeritus (LeAnn Wheat & Betty Unruh) and Elders Emeritus (Penny Bishop, Jim Owens, Phyllis Phillips, and Chuck Pritchett).
We are the church together, as the saying goes, and I hope you'll be in worship at 8am or 10am on the 22nd to recommit to Central’s shared ministry.
In Christ,
Where do you fit in Central Christian's ministries? Ministry groups (aka "Committees") are making plans for 2023 activities.
Here are a few areas to consider:
CACS - community outreach
Education - children & youth
Stewardship & Finance
World Outreach
For more information, click on the button below. You'll find a form you can print out and return to the church. Or call the church at 580-233-1214.
Central Christian is updating its member information for directories, emergency contacts, and other communications.
(These forms have been sent postal mail to people without email, emailed to households, and there will be blank paper forms in the narthex if you'd prefer to fill out a paper copy. Please use the method that is easiest for you!)
If you have not completed and returned an information form, you can click on the button below to complete the form.
Before filling out the form, you will need to download it to your computer and save it. Then fill it out and attach it to an email to: financialsecretary@centralenid.org.
January 15
8am Chapel Service
Worship Leader / Offering & Communion Elder: Gary Hula
Deacons: Shirley West, Linda Crabbs
Communion Tray Set Up: Shirley West
10am Sanctuary Service
Worship Leader / Offering Elder: Judi Jorden
Communion Elder: Janet Jones
Deacons: Frank Guyton, Brandy Guyton, John Ingram, Carol Ingram
Communion Tray Set Up: Frank Guyton
Worship & Wonder: Valerie Driscoll, Karen Foster
Calling all department/committee chairs! In place of Pastor's Cabinet this month, we are inviting you to a Sunday, Jan. 22 lunch and a calendar planning session for 2023. Please come with possible events and dates for your committee. We'll meet immediately following 10am worship in the Multi-Purpose Room.
RSVP to the church office by Tuesday, Jan. 17, 4pm.
Saturday, Jan. 14
Max Johnson Memorial Service - Sanctuary - 10am
Sunday, Jan. 15
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Sanctuary Service - 10am
Welcome Table - 3pm (served 4:30-5:30pm)
Monday, Jan. 16
Staff Meeting - 10:30am
Shellady Memorial - Chapel - 2pm
Tuesday, Jan. 17
Tai Chi & Chair Yoga - 11:30am
Emmaus Women - 5pm
Wednesday, Jan. 18
TOPS - 8:30am
Elders' Meeting - 6pm
Chancel Choir - 7pm
Thursday, Jan. 19
Tai Chi & Chair Yoga - 11:30am
Sunday, Jan. 22
Chapel Service - 8am
Sunday School - 9am
Sanctuary Service - 10am
Welcome Table - 3pm (served 4:30-5:30pm)
Max Johnson's Memorial Service is Saturday, Jan. 14,10am, in the Central Christian Church sanctuary. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Choir Fund.
Josephine Shellady's Memorial Service is Monday, Jan. 16, 2pm, in the Central Christian Church chapel. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to the Youth and Children's Ministry Fund.